Zostań członkiem koła naukowego "Inżynier XXI wieku"

Information on RODO Regulations

Information on RODO Regulations


University of Bielsko-Biała, 2 Willowa Street, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

According to the Article 13 of the general regulations on personal data protection issued on 27-th April 2016 (Registration of Polish Law: Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016), University of Bielsko-Biala (in Bielsko-Biała) /called underneath as: ‘the University’/ does inform that:

1. Your personal data are processed by the University of Bielsko-Biala, the address of the headquarters is: 2 Willowa Street, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland,
2. You can contact Inspector of Data Protection using phone (number: +48 33 8279 344) or via email: iod@ubb.edu.pl,
3. Your personal data will be processed due to register as well as to confirm your participation in the XV International Conference of Students, PhD-Students and Young Scientists ‘Engineer of XXI Century – 05 December 2025 (called underneath as: ‘the Conference’), and for publication of your submitted paper(s), according to the Article 6, Paragraph 1, Point a of the Bill of the EU Parliament and Council 2016/679 issued on 27-th April 2016 on the matter of protections of natural persons in connection with processing of personal data and on the matter of free flow of this data and cancelation of EU directive 95/46/WE (in general called as: RODO);
4. Your personal data as your image (photos, movies) can be also processed in the following goals:
  – showing on the webpage and fanpage of the University and media (in general) aiming for information and promotion of the University,
  – performing of visual monitoring, based on Article 6, Paragraph 1, Points a and f of RODO;
5. The receivers of Your personal data will be:
  – subjects entitled to receiving the personal data upon the legal/law regulations,
  – persons authorized by the Administrator for processing of the data within the range of their work duties,
  – subjects – to which the Administrator orders performance of activities connected with data processing;
  – receivers of personal data (in the form of picture/photos/movies) will be persons visited the university webpage and university fanpage, readers, audience, spectators of media, in which the information and promotion materials will be placed/showing;
6. Your personal data will be stored:
  – within the period necessary to performance of aforementioned goals or until the moment of withdrawal of permission;
  – You have the right to an access to the contents of the data and making their corrections, removal or giving restriction of their processing, and also the right for objection, demand of  stopping of their processing and passing. You have the right for withdrawal of agreement in an arbitrary moment/time;
7. You have right to lodging a complaint to the supervisory body/institution;
8. Providing of personal data is voluntary, however they are necessary for participation in the Conference;
9. The data shared/given by You will not be processed in an automatic way and they will not be subjected to any profiling;
10. Administrator does not have any intention of passing the personal data to neither other countries nor international organizations.


After become acquainted with the above Information, I declare that I agree for processing by the University of Bielsko-Biala of my personal data listed in my  registration form for  the goals given above  in POINTS 3 and 4  of this Information.


I declare, that I agree for showing the photos and films containing my picture registered during XV International Conference of  Students, PhD-Students and Young Scientists ‘Engineer of XXI Century – 05 December 2025 held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Bielsko-Biala, Bielsko-Biała, 2 Willowa Street on university webpages and university fanpages and in media for the purpose of  information and promotion of the University.

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